Juice Therapies

As part of any place in the earth whole food lifestyle such as the Wholefood Diet or Full Spectrum Diet, juice therapy, the eliminative and cleansing capacity of raw juice, is a great way to get in all your nutritional foods. Juices are extracted from fresh fruits and vegetables and are rich in their own medicinal properties with good for health.

Raw juices are extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, trace elements, enzymes and natural sugars. Juices extracted from raw fruits and vegetables require little digestion and almost all their vital nutrients are assimilated directly in the bloodstream.

Juice fasting or juice therapy is also a great way to detox your system. Accumulated metabolic waste and toxins are quickly eliminated.

Anti-aging therapies utilize the power of nature’s bounty due to the fact that many fruits and vegetables are rich in alkaline elements. This is highly beneficial in normalizing the balance of acid-alkaline in the blood stream and tissue structures, as there is over-acidity in many conditions of dis-ease. As an anti-aging therapy fruits and vegetable juice have an extraordinary revitalizing and rejuvenating effect on all the organs and functions of the body. Healing minerals in raw juices especially calcium, potassium and silicon help in restoring biochemical and mineral balance in cells and tissues, preventing premature aging.

The following juice blends are recommended recipes from The Full Spectrum Diet.

Some common ailments and fruit and vegetable juices found beneficial in treatment are:

Acidity : Grapes, orange, mosambi, carrot and spinach.

Acne : Grapes, pear, plum, tomato, cucumber, carrot, potato and spinach.

Allergies : Apricot, grapes, carrot, beet and spinach.

Arteriosclerosis : Grapefruit, pineapple, lemon, celery, carrot, lettuce, and spinach.

Anemia : Apricot, prune, strawberry, red grape, beet, celery, carrot and spinach.

Arthritis : Sour cherry, pineapple, sour apple, lemon, grapefruit, cucumber, beet, carrot, lettuce and spinach.

Asthma : Apricot, lemon, pineapple, peach, carrot, radish and celery.

Bronchitis : Apricot, lemon, pineapple, peach, tomato, carrot, onion and spinach.

Bladder Ailments : Apple, apricot, lemon, cucumber, carrot, celery, parsley and watercress.

Colds : Lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion, celery and spinach.

Constipation : Apple, pear, grapes, lemon, carrot, beet, spinach and watercress.

Colitis : Apple, apricot, pear, peach, pineapple, papaya, carrot, beet, cucumber and spinach.

Diabetes : Citrus fruits, carrot, celery, lettuce and spinach.

Diarrhea : Papaya, lemon, pineapple, carrot and celery.

Eczema : Red grapes,carrot, spinach, cucumber and beet.

Epilepsy : Red grapes, figs, carrot, celery and spinach.

Eye Disorders : Apricot ,tomato, carrot, celery, parsley and spinach.

Gout : Red sour cherries, pineapple, tomato, cucumber, beet, carrot, celery and spinach.

Halitosis : Apple, grapefruit, lemon, pineapple, tomato, carrot, celery and spinach.

Headache : Grapes, lemon, carrot, lettuce and spinach.

Heart Disease : Red grapes, lemon, cucumber, carrot, beet and spinach.

High blood pressure : Grapes, orange, cucumber, carrot and beet.

Influenza : Apricot, orange, lemon , grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, onion and spinach.

Insomnia : Apple, grapes, lemon, lettuce , carrot and celery.

Jaundice : Lemon, grapes, pear, carrot, celery, spinach, beet and cucumber.

Kidney Disorders : Apple, orange, lemon, cucumber, cucumber,carrot, celery, parsley and beet.

Liver ailments : Lemon, papaya, grapes, carrot, tomato, beet and cucumber.

Menstrual Disorders :Grapes, prunes, cherry, spinach, lettuce turnips and beet.

Menopausal Symptoms : Fruits and Vegetables in season.

Neuritis : Orange, pineapple, apple, carrot and beet.

Obesity : Lemon, grapefruit, orange, cherry, pineapple, papaya, tomato, beet, cabbage, lettuce, spinach and carrot.

Piles : Lemon, orange, papaya, pineapple, carrot, spinach, turnip and watercress.

Prostate Troubles : All fruit juices in season, carrot, asparagus, lettuce and spinach.

Psoriasis : Grapes, carrot, beet, and cucumber.

Rheumatism : Grapes, orange, lemon, grapefruit, tomato, cucumber, beet, carrot and spinach.

Stomach Ulcers : Apricot, grapes, cabbage and carrot.

Sinus Trouble : Apricot, lemon, tomato, carrot, onion and radish.

Sore Throat : Apricot, grapes, lemon, pineapple, prune, tomato, carrot and parsley.

Tonsillitis : Apricot, lemon, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, carrot, spinach and radish.

Varicose Veins : Grapes, orange, plum, tomato, beetroot carrot and watercress.
Eight Steps for making – Ready, Set, Juice!

1. Scrub produce thoroughly with a vegetable brush before juicing.
2. If a fruit or vegetable has been waxed, be sure to peel it before juicing.
3. Remove all seeds and pits. Make sure to peel citrus fruits.
4. Cut fruits and vegetables into small-enough pieces to fit easily through your juicer.
5. Wash and juice any stems or greens that are still attached to the fruit or vegetable.
6. Certain fruits, such as bananas and avocados, contain very little water and can’t be juiced. Process in a blender instead, and then add to the juice.
7. Imported fruits and vegetables should be avoided when possible because they contain more harmful pesticide residue than domestic produce.
8. For maximum benefit, serve juice immediately. Juices stored in the refrigerator lose their nutritional value very quickly.

These above are easily available in the markets & the departments / super markets,try it out for sure & let me know your feed back.


Thanks FunZug & Care2